Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Kisses from Katie

My sweet friend Jessica Biondo has told me time and time again about this awesome blog she reads sometimes. It's called "kisses from katie." She was like 19, moved to africa and adopted 14 kids, started some huge child sponsorship ministry. Jessica had told me about her before but for some reason tonight, I decided to google it and see what came up. Well I did. And I could NOT help but share it with you:


The more I read, the more I praise God. So go ahead - read a bit. I dare you.

1 comment:

Jaimee said...

So glad you have been reading this. And so glad that her ministry and willingness to sacrifice have touched your heart. And so glad that you are willing to sacrifice so much to do what you have been called to do. And so glad God is letting us share these journeys. Love and miss you!