Friday, March 26, 2010

God is always at work

One of my favorite bible verses EVER is 1 Thes 5:24. It says, "The one who called you is faithful and He will do it." The Message translation puts the last part of that verse as, "If he says it, he'll do it!"

A week ago, I had the opportunity to go to the states for a quick weekend trip to see some friends and family. Throughout that weekend, I had conversation after conversation with new friends and old about what God was currently doing in them and through them. I will admit that I struggle a bit when I get a chance to go to the states to focus on just my friends and family because I often find myself trying to make new friends and get to know everything there is to know about them in only the 15 minutes I might have after meeting them and determining that they are AWESOME and if I still lived in the states - we'd be BEST friends. I think I've digressed a bit... but maybe these new people I've been meeting will be important in my story. not sure yet- just telling it.

Over and over, I heard of God's faithfulness from old friends and new alike. I found myself laughing a lot when I was alone of just how awesome God is. He always knows EXACTLY what He is doing and what He is calling you to do. He confirmed again for me (which was oh so beautiful but seems to me now that perhaps he was just spoiling me a bit) that some of the things he has asked me to do in the past that just seemed out of this world to my friends and those around me, were NOT CRAZY. God had a plan. He always does.

And maybe you're reading this right now, thinking about something you feel like God has recently laid on your heart - a call to action of some kind. Maybe you think it's too difficult or doesn't make sense to your family so you've been trying to ignore it but you know in your heart of hearts that God is asking you to do it. Maybe God is trying to suggest that following him actually looks like following him - but you just think it's crazy. Well I'm saying right now that it's not. And if you pass it up - YOU are the one who will miss out on the JOY that you'll receive if you'll just obey the calling and allow God to minister through you. God will accomplish his missions with or without us. Yet he gives us the option and the opportunity to get to be his hands and feet sometimes in the things he is doing around the world. We can either get on board or ignore it. But I'm just saying... If he calls you to it - He will equip you for it and carry you through it. The one who calls you is faithful and just and sovereign and totally in control and HE WILL DO IT. Trust him.

below are some pictures from my weekend:
2 of my favorite people on the whole planet! We were at a beach and
this was the best photo we could pull off?!? wow.
My niece Olivia who said my name for the first time on this day with her graduates yogurt puffs that she will not put down for nothing and my mom's easter egg tree
my mom and my niece sitting around watching manatees and stuff
and my favorite picture ever because when I was little I also thought this giraffe at grandma's was AWESOME too - except not sure i ever kissed it hahha

1 comment:

Kristen Rupert said...

Caroline... It made my life to see you a couple weeks ago. I wish it could happen more often, but alas, I know where God wants you. You know I am always praying for you and your mom, and you know how to get a hold of me if you ever need anything. I miss you and love you sooooo dearly. Come back to me again soon!! :)