Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Seemed Blog-Worthy

Below is an email that my mom sent to her Sunday School class this past week. It describes how she feels about all those praying for her so I thought I'd share it (mom- hope you don't mind).

Hi, friends. I am coming up for air and inspiration again. I got out of the hospital Saturday night at 10:30 p.m. (Remember, I don't get charged for the 4th day until midnight!) I managed my nausea meds better this time, but slept a LOT every day since. And today when I went in for blood work the lab tech (whom I love) said, "Hey, it's not rocket science; you're DEHYDRATED!" so she hustled me into the friendly chemo room and they made me feel 50 times better. It's funny; I'm now looking around at the birds flying out back, and checking emails, and thinking, "Now that I'm waking up again, I will look for inspiration!" How blind of me to not focus right away my thanks and my gratitude for the holy spirit and the angels and the family members and all forces seen and unseen which did battle for me for the last 10 days when I couldn't do much for myself or see beyond the little cloud of my ailments. I could not do one day of this
treatment without the supernatural help you and I have prayed for, and which has been delivered daily, hourly, quietly, steadily. I did not even know or care who I was some of those days, but how could I have kept going without knowing God's unstinting, unlimited love for me, and his plan for me. If YOU feel a movement in your own heart and mind right now -- a conviction that he's been doing this for you too, maybe for years and years!-- then get on your knees and
pray your thanks for such love -- love that carries us through darkness and our own blindness. A spirit that prays for us when we have no words. A healer that heals our bodies, but knows even more intimately what deeper healings we need, and friends BELIEVE that he is working even now on healing your deepest hearts and souls.
So I just woke up to say I love you. I think God wanted me to remind you of how much He loves you. AMEN.

Isn't my mom cool?


cath said...

your mom is so cool and we all need that reminder that He loves us.

Rbkh said...

so glad i read this! thanks, mom! thanks, caroline! thanks, God!

Jes said...

Wow! That was powerful! Your mom continues to bring glory to God and he is using her in powerful ways. I'm praying for you!