Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Meet Arturo.  He is 10 years old and has 4 younger siblings.  He and his siblings moved into the children's home in January of this past year.  His past could break the hardest heart of stone but I won't and shouldn't share that because it's his.  But what I will share is how proud I am of him.  

In January, when he moved in with us into my dorm, he could barely read.  He is 10 years old but this is his first year in school for his entire life.  For his age, they threw him into 4th grade because that's policy in this state.  We've worked with him every single day for the past 5 months to improve his reading and basic math skills.  What started with us reading picture books to him has now grown into Arturo reading chapter books like a big boy.  

He's currently reading  the Tree House series in spanish and is on book 4.  He is thrilled that I have more than 15 books in the series in Spanish and he can't wait to read them all.  

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