Friday, February 24, 2012

Junior Auto Mechanics

In the past month or so, several broken power wheels cars have been donated to Casa Hogar Douglas. Some are missing wheels and others are fine except that their entire electrical system is dead. So the boys have figured out the secret to being a great auto mechanic. When you can't get the car up and running.... just push it down a hill. It can get going pretty fast down hill. Well the boys have been pushing these broken vehicles around the children's home property for weeks now. One day, I yelled, "it's MY TURN!!!! I'M NEXT!!!" and the boys about died with excitement that Caroline wanted to ride on their broken car.

So I jumped on and they pushed the car so hard and it got going so fast that...

we crashed into a wall with me screaming and yelling the entire time- not joking.

It was awesome. The boys screamed with delight. And then we did it again. But to get there - they had to push me up the hill. To be fair, I took turns pushing the boys afterwards.

Life lesson - when life gives you a broken car, don't cry - just find some energetic people to push it with you. It'll work just fine.

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