Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday David

She knows it's coming up. But she can't do anything about it. She can't be there for him. It's her turn this month to work the night shift all week. Her youngest is about to turn 4 years old this weekend but she'll be at the factory. So when I called to ask if I could take her boys for the weekend again, she was thrilled and relieved and thankful that someone could be with her kids and celebrate them when she couldn't be there to do it herself.

She's thankful.

Just hearing that crushed me. I'm not sure that would be my reaction to the hand of cards life has thrown at her right now. And on top of that, she's thankful for me.

I've been given the most beautiful responsibility here. Her children.

She'll probably never know what an impact that whole conversation had on me.

We had a super fun birthday weekend with presents, ice cream, pizza, pool time, his new slip n slide, reading stories, watching scooby doo.

When life hands me lemons, I want to find ways to be thankful. I want to find ways to be grateful in my heart for what God has done for me by sending his Son to be my sacrificial lamb so that I could inherit Christ's righteousness. I want to keep my eyes focused on the things above and not just my circumstances.

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