Saturday, October 24, 2009

What do you want for Christmas?

that's right- kids smiled for me this time

Christmas feels just around the corner to me. A few days ago, I had the opportunity to ask all the kids that live at Casa Hogar Douglas what they wanted for Christmas this year. As you can imagine I'm sure, when you ask a kid this - their face just lights up. It was such a fun afternoon for me and for them too. I also took new and updated photos of each of the kids as I went through the process of asking them individually what they wanted but I noticed a major difference in the photos I took this year and the photos I took last year for this exact same task. This year the kids smiled a lot more and I decided that it's because this year I know how to say "smile and look at me/over here" in spanish which made me giggle. Poor kids- putting up with our pathetic attempts to speak their language. They are so gracious.

Funniest gift request: "I want pizza!!!!"
Cutest gift request: "I want a police car that has lights and lights up and makes noises!"
Most sounds like me at age 7: "I want a baby alive doll that I can feed and change it's diapers"

I can not wait for christmas this year for about a million reasons - it's going to be a fun week and one more opportunity to reinforce the simple fact that these children are not forgotten, they are individuals, and God loves them.

Merry Christmas! Go ahead- pull our your christmas CDs. I did this afternoon.


Hannah said...

I secretly listen to Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is you" at least once a week. :)

Alyssa said...

you jumped the gun! im not impressed!