Sunday, October 25, 2009

PureNRG visits Monterrey

About a week ago, Back2Back Mexico was blessed to have PureNRG join us on a Family Christian Stores - James Fund trip. PureNRG is a christian pop group who just released their 3rd CD. PureNRG donated about $1.25 for each CD that was pre-sold at Family Christian Stores to the James Fund (which is the orphan care not for profit division of Family Christian Stores) in order to purchase new shoes for orphans. I was told that they raised about $24,000 for shoes for orphans from their CD. CRAZY!!!!!!! and somehow, we at Back2Back, Mexico were blessed to not only receive quite a few of those shoes for the kids we serve but we were also blessed to have PureNRG in person to give those shoes away. Jordan, Caroline and Carolyne are honestly just awesome kids- (soon to be adults) who decided to try to do something to make a difference. It doesn't matter how old you are- God can use you if you'll let him.

The organizational side of washing 350 kids feet at rio 3 and outfitting them with proper fitting shoes and socks with only 2 hours of this group's time to complete the outreach with about 20 people was my job. The day before we set out to embark upon this crazy day of outreach- i felt a lot of pressure- as if we were about to launch the space shuttle and had to do it exactly right. When the day came, we got there on time, washed a ton of kid's feet and gave them new shoes and socks. We saw over 350 kids!!!! and then, jumped on our bus and headed back into town to prep for the concert that PureNRG was going to do for all the kids from all the children's homes we serve that same afternoon.

Enjoy the photos:
Jordan from PureNRG with some rio 3 kids during the footwashing and new shoe giveaway

PureNRG on stage at Nuevo Pacto performing for all the kids from all the casa hogares we serve here in Monterrey - they were awesome and the kids were memorized when they started dancing and doing back flips

my new best friend - Jose Daniel literally head banging and rocking out during the PureNRG concert

possibly 2 of the sweetest boys on the planet- Felix Antonio and Josue Oswaldo hanging out in their seats before the concert started

the love of my life- Kevin from del norte eating his dinner after the concert - this is actually kevin's reaction to seeing the 3 year old i was holding in my arms who used to live at del norte with kevin. he was overjoyed to see his long lost friend Oziel

girls from Douglas performing before the concert

Estephanie and my sweet Jahir before the concert. Jahir kept going to the bathroom to throw up throughout this concert- he was super sick with some stomach bug and then fell asleep yet looks happier than ever here- weird

Side story: As the different children's homes were arriving and taking their seats, the sibling set near me who now live at Douglas started freaking out when they saw the children's home that they used to live at arrive - del norte. (weird to think that the kids we serve change children's homes sometimes isnt it?) Well the 4 boys started yelling and jumping up and running over to their friends from del norte- and the del norte kids just could not get over how fun it was to see their long lost "brothers" and best friends and play mates. It was one of the most joyous reunions I've seen in a long long time. And I sat there realizing how much the other kids at the homes function as siblings and family to these kids - God as their heavenly Father is looking out for them.

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