Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Being Intentional

Ever since I moved here 9 months ago, I've found myself drawn to a sibling set at Casa Hogar Douglas.  Monica (15 years old) and Tere (18 years old) have lived at Douglas for about 12 years now.  Whenever I visit Douglas, I make sure to say hi to them and see how they are doing.  And sometimes, I find myself singing High School Musical songs with them in english and dancing with Monica or mopping floors with Tere.  They are among the oldest at this particular children's home and I got the feeling that they are often over looked by visiting groups so I've always made it a point to be intentional with them.  Over the Easter Holy Week when ALL of mexico is off from school and work, I made it a point to spend everyday with them.  To the right is Lola (12 years old from Douglas), me, Monica, Kenzi (fellow B2B Stinter), and Tere at the river walk in Monterrey for a day of people watching, lunch out, snacks, the river, and a chance to leave their orphanage. 
To the left is a photo of us eating snacks during a break from swimming in the pool.  We were in the pool that day for hours!  It was a special treat for them because each day that week, I picked them up for some planned activity.  On this day, it was the Back2Back pool.  The Holy Week here was very interesting for me because the entire country is off for a week or 2 week long vacation in honor of the crucified Christ.  Everyone travels somewhere - to the beach or to visit family - but orphans just sit at the orphanage bored.
Photo right is us with ice cream sundaes after our pizza fest.   The week before the Easter Week vacation, I asked the two of them what their dream day would be if we could do anything and they both said, "swimming at the Back2Back property, and High School Musical movies in your apartment, and pizza and ice cream."  Are they easy to please or what?!  Yeah so I made all of that happen.  I will admit that it was a bit tiresome to watch all 3 High School Musical movies and hear all the songs and then listen to everyone try to sing them in english over and over again BUT the girls loved it.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have been checking for updates pretty often recently, and you did not disappoint when I checked tonight. God is definitely using you to full advantage in Mexico. All of those children are blessed to have you.