Thursday, January 15, 2009

Prayer needed!

All of you blog followers out there:  I need your help.  Some of my favorite kids need your help.  A home that we serve here called El Retiro Juvenil is in desperate need of money for food.  Several months ago, they lost 50% of their monthly financial supporters.  Often, Americans who visit the homes we serve here ask what happens when the money runs out, how do they feed the kids?  Well that is a great question.  Our response is usually that they just "add water to the beans," which means literally adding water to a pot of beans to make it go further.  This home has been doing that for months now and the kids need to eat.  Could you please pray for new monthly supporters to come alongside this pastor and his family and the orphanage they run.  Also, for Carlos and Martha (the directors) to have the peace to sleep and not stay up all night worrying about how to feed their 23 children.  God is able- let's ask Him.

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