Monday, September 14, 2009

The Hole in our Gospel

I've been reading "The Hole in our Gospel" by Richard Stearns because it was highly recommended by one of my favorite visionaries on this planet-  Kristen Marks.  I'm having an increasingly difficult time actually reading it because of how incredibly convicting and challenging it is- Kmarks does not disappoint and nor does this author.   So what "hole" is he saying exists in our modern interpretation of "the gospel??"  Great question - sadly I get the impression that there may be more than one hole.  For starters... Stearns says that for many, our view of the gospel has been narrowed to a simple transaction where the only thing we do is make a decision to accept Christ as Savior.  We as Christians, then attempt to get as many people as possible to make a decision for the next life - to spend eternity in heaven with God.   That's great!  but what about THIS life, on THIS side of eternity? (sounds a bit like the Savior vs. Lord dilemma eh?) 

Stearns says that the kingdom of God was intended to change and challenge everything in our fallen world in the here and now - so if i'm part of this kingdom (His kingdom, the kingdom of God), i should be all about changing and challenging things in the here and now.  Being a part of the kingdom of God was not meant to be a way to leave the world but rather the means to actually redeem it.   After making a decision for Christ we are commanded to go into the world -- to bear fruit by lifting up the poor and marginalized, challenging injustice wherever we find it, rejecting the worldly values found within every culture, and loving our neighbors as ourselves.  He goes on to say that God's love was intended to be demonstrated and not dictated.  I find that my thoughts on evangelism are spinning.  What is evangelism?  Is it just a verbal proclamation?  What is it that we are supposed to be proclaiming?  How do you do that?  When Jesus came into town, I recall him saying that he came to proclaim freedom for the captives and to release prisoners from darkness.   What does that look like for you and me today?  

When Jesus taught the disciples how to pray he told them the Lord's prayer which includes that part about "your kingdom come, you will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."  As followers of Christ, we are to be passionate about bringing the good news into the here and now - into making God's economy a reality for those around us.  I don't think simply checking "yes" on some response card and then going about life how I want it as usual is going to make this happen anytime soon.  

I'm still trying to muster up the courage to face the next chapter... more thoughts to come


Hannah said...

Caroline, can I borrow this book?

Jim and Betty said...

I told you before, You are a good writer! You make me want to read the book too.