ESTOY AQUI!!! I'm FINALLY here in Mexico!
After weeks of packing stresses and tearful good byes, 3 days of endless driving with a sweet friend who kept me company, 2 hotels, 6 tanks of gas (i think?)..... it officially begins. The drive felt like it was never going to end but thankfully it was uneventful aside from the speeding ticket I got within the first 2 hours of driving in Mexico. Praise the Lord for border crossing graces! They didn't even search my car mom!
Monterrey is beautiful! I love the mountains and I could not wipe the smile off my face as I drove through the crazy crazy traffic in this city today. I feel so much confirmation from the Lord today that this is exactly where I am supposed to be. I love it..... and I'm sort of loving how clueless and dependent on others I am right now.
I am all moved into my new apartment. It is not as small as I had anticipated and it already feels like home. Grocery shopping was fun- but what was more fun was trying to fit all the groceries we bought into my already overloaded car BEFORE unpacking. Let's just say that becca had a lot in her lap as we drove.
I am so thankful for everyone who has been and continues to pray for me throughout my travels and this transition period. You all are such an important part of this journey. Thank you for being a part of my life. God is good, all the time! and i'm excited for whatever is to come....
Current prayer requests:
- driving safety through Monterrey's insane traffic
- that I could be an encouraging and contributing addition to this already amazing B2B staff team
- For opportunities to communicate with my american friends and family
- That God would bless me with the ability to understand spanish